Indigenous-Led Regeneration
Indigenous-Led Cultural and Ecosystems Regeneration
Placing life at the heart of every action and choice, regeneration extends its influence across the entire spectrum of existence. This principle resonates just as profoundly within the realms of family, communities, cities, schools, spirituality, commerce, and governments, as it does in addressing ecosystems collapse and climate challenges. Forests are key providers of global ecosystem services and offer diverse benefits to humanity. Many societal needs, economic activities, and cultural or spiritual values rely on forests. They are essential for food, medicine, water, and provide recreational, aesthetic, and spiritual benefits for millions, while hosting over 80% of terrestrial species (FAO and UNEP, 2020).
SRI has been working with Indigenous peoples worldwide to accelerate technologies and bioeconomies to protect and regenerate vital rainforest ecosystems and traditional wisdom and cultures. Inspired by living with the Puyanawa People of Acre Brazil, we assembled and co-led a team of 120 scientists and innovators, qualifying as XPRIZE Rainforest 2023 Semifinalists in Singapore. Speaking at over a dozen events at Davos World Economic Forum, we co-convened the Science Summit at the United Nations: Digital Democracy for Climate Action in New York and at COP, speaking on the rights of nature at Poptech at the Kennedy Center, and with Mongabay at Sun Valley. We are founding members of the Oki Language Project with Eugene Brave Rock to protect Indigenous languages and cultures, and of the Bioplanning Foundation to build cities in harmony with nature. We co-hosted the Global People's Summit during the United Nations General Assembly, convening the world's first fully online accessible and immersive dialogue connecting decision-makers world leaders, the UN and a network of global influencers, with over 400+ million in 190+ countries.​​​
"Scientists studying the Amazon and all its wondrous assets (agree).
Today we stand in a moment of destiny: The tipping point is here, it is now."
- Carlos Nobre, Nobel Prize-winning scientist
The Regeneration Generation Collaborations​​​
What is Regenerative Financing?
​What if capital could not only be used to extract from nature, but to regenerate? We can enable this by aligning financial systems with the principles of living ecosystems and Indigenous wisdom. Amid today’s complex crises, the global economy can no longer overlook the ecological and social challenges, recognizing its deep connection to biodiversity. With growing awareness and regulatory pressures, financial actors are increasingly interested in supporting bio-cultural regeneration.
However, relying on outdated financial frameworks risks continued commodification and centralization of natural resources. We aim not just to close the nature finance gap to protect nature, but also to rethink how resources are managed, structured, and governed. Real solutions require deep transformations in systems, relationships, and worldviews.
Presenting a decentralized model for financial governance, creating project portfolios that drive systemic change and support a regenerative economy, we connect centralized financial resources with grassroots organizations dedicated to regeneration, acting as crucial intermediaries that channel diverse capital into well-coordinated projects. In return, the benefits of regeneration flow back to investors in a community-centered, non-exploitative manner.
We build portfolios that create positive feedback loops, enhancing systemic value across multiple projects. We aim to offer multinational corporations a pathway to reconnect with local communities impacted by their operations, fostering healing and reciprocity. By shifting capital from harmful systems to regenerative, bio-cultural economies, our goal is to ensure that capital returns to life and to those who nurture it.
​SRI has been working with Indigenous and marginalized peoples worldwide to accelerate technologies and bio-economies to protect and regenerate vital rainforest ecosystems and traditional wisdom and cultures.
We presented and provided opportunities for our indigenous speakers at over a dozen events at Davos World Economic Forum, convening the Science Summit at the United Nations in New York, Davos, COP29 and COP16 and spoke at Poptech at the Kennedy Center, and with Mongabay at Sun Valley.
XPRIZE Rainforest
To support Puyanawa efforts to buy back their sacred forests, we co-led a team of 120 scientists and innovators, qualifying as XPRIZE Rainforest 2023 Semifinalists in Singapore.
OKI Language Project
As founding members of the Oki Language Project with Eugene Brave Rock, we aim to protect Indigenous languages and cultures.
Science Summit During the United Nations Assembly
We convene the Science Summit during the United Nations General Assembly, connecting decision-makers world leaders, the UN and a network of global influencers, with over 400+ million in 190+ countries.
​​​Puyanawa Sacred Forest Project, Acre Brazil
Marakana Pluriethnic Indigenous University, Rio Brazil
​​​​​​​​​Photo ©Indrani Pal-Chaudhuri @SRI at Science Summit at the United Nations General Assembly: Digital Democracy for Climate Action